5AS Class Assembly
Could parents with children in 5AS please note that we have had to move your class assembly from 9:00 on Thursday 15th June to 9:00 on Thursday 13th July - apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Hong Kong parents: primary to secondary school transition workshop
There is an online workshop for Hong Kong parents about transition from primary school to secondary school on Thursday 29th June from 17:00 to 18:00. This is free, and funded by the Mayor of London. Kingston BEATS are delivering the workshop and there will be Cantonese interpretation. The deadline for sign up is today, so please get in quick!
If this is relevant to you, and you would like to attend please complete the booking form here.
Message for Year 1 Parents/Carers
In Year 1 over the last few weeks we have been busy preparing for our upcoming phonics screening check, which is early next half-term. Today we have sent home phonics homework and added lots of videos onto Google Classroom for your child to practise at home. Please keep practising daily over half-term and the coming weeks, to give your child the best chance when it comes to the phonics check. We don't want to waste all the great progress that they have been making over the last few months!
Parent Staff Association Updates

Thanks to the PSA for running the Summer Treat Sale this week - it proved to be very popular and was a fantastic way to celebrate the end of the half-term and the lovely weather this week.
We held our latest PSA meeting this week. The main focus was on the wonderful events and activities that will be taking place at the Summer Fair on Saturday 24th June (12:00 to 15:00) - please make sure that you have this date firmly in your diary! As part of the build-up to the fair there will be two non-uniform days in the run-up to it. The first will be on Friday 9th June - this will be a Rainbow Raffle themed day. Each year group will have a different colour to wear or accessorise themselves with (please don't go out and buy clothing just for this day) and then bring in a donated item of the same colour - if your year group colour is red you could donate a bottle of ketchup, bag of red sweets or a red candle for example. All the same coloured items will be sued to create a colourful hamper that you could win at the Summer Fair. You can see some examples of the types of donations in the image below.

The year group colour allocation is as follows:
Pre School, Nursery and Reception - Red
Year 1 - Pink
Year 2 - Blue
Year 3 - Orange
Year 4 - Yellow
Year 5 - Purple
Year 6 - Black and White
The second non-uniform day will be on Friday 23rd June. This will be to collect donations for the bottle tombola or cash donations towards the Summer Fair - thank you in advance for your support with these events.
Full Governing Board Meeting
On Thursday evening we held the Summer 1 full governing board meeting. We started by welcoming two new governors to our team - Kristina Jackets and Joseline Porter. They both bring lots of fantastic skills and a range of different experiences to the board, we all look forward to working with them in the future. Your children will have seen them both this week as they have been in for a tour of the school. A focus of the meeting was to review the progress that has been made so far this year with the School Development Plan - we looked at the progress in phonics, maths, with behaviour and development of the school vision. Finally, we approved the award of the latest cleaning contract - ensuring that the school is clean and ready for learning each day is an important task so it is vital that we make sure that we have the best possible standards of cleaning at King's Oak!
Oral Health Programme
This week, children in the Early Years, Key Stage 1, Year 4 and Year 6 have been given a new toothbrush as part of our participation in the King's College Hospital Oral Health Programme. For guidance with oral health, please see the information below which may be useful for you and your child.

Well done to all the children that have taken part in formal assessments this half-term, you have all been amazing. Wishing you all a very restful and happy half-term holiday. I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday 6th June for the start of the final half-term of the school year - it has gone past so quickly!

Ian Hutchings