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Year 2

Kingston Museum

Year 2 were very lucky with the weather on Tuesday, and enjoyed a wonderful trip into Kingston to go to the Kingston Museum. The children had exclusive access to the museum, which was unlocked especially for them. They then took part in a wonderful treasure hunt around the museum, they partnered up with a friend and had to hunt for any one of 10 significant velcro pieces to add to the museum's own book, 'The Kingston Story.' Once the children had found all the pieces, they were allowed into the art gallery space upstairs and our guide asked each group to place their significant item onto the storybook map. With each new item, the children were told why it was significant. They were even told an exciting story of a sheep getting loose from a pen in the Market Place and running rampage in Boots!! After the story map was complete, the children browsed the David Bowie exhibit and marvelled at the long hair, outrageous trouser suits and platform shoes. A quick bus journey back to school completed their trip. Most were disappointed we couldn't spend more time in the museum. Hopefully, you will venture there in the holidays and take a look around, I am sure your they would enjoy showing you around.