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Pre School

Construction Play

This week in Pre School we have been doing lots of construction play with our Lego and Wooden Blocks.

Construction toys such as these are a wonderful way to help with many areas of development.

Social Skills are developed by learning to share or work together when building.

Fine Motor Skills such as a child early tripod and pincer grip can be strengthened by picking up blocks and connecting them together.  This will aid them later in life when they are learning to hold a pencil for writing.

Cognitive Skills such as problem-solving are worked on when trying to work out how pieces fit together and how to steady a tower from toppling over.

Imagination is expanded when turning simple construction toys into something such as a rocket ready to fly to the moon.

Also, Numeracy Skills and Language are developed when we count the numbers of bricks we are using  and talk about their shape, size and colour.

However, construction play isn't just centred around blocks and bricks.  For example, junk modelling and building sand castles are also categorised as construction play and are also great ways to help with development.