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Fun in the rain

This week the children have enjoyed listening to the story ‘Where’s My Teddy’. We have discussed the woods and forests, thinking about which animals we might find and the different types of trees. In the story there is a small teddy and a large teddy, so the children have been discussing size and measure. We have learnt lots of new vocabulary around this, including huge, enormous, massive, tiny and mini. While outside, the children collected leaves and discussed the different sizes. 

During free flow, a lot of children have been exploring the water area. We have been focusing on colours, starting the day with two different colours in each of the water trays and seeing what happens when we mix the two together. 

A little reminder that with the current changes to the weather children need to be dressed appropriately for their session. We spend a lot of time outside and they need to be dressed to enjoy and explore our outdoor environment. As the children love to play in the water areas, we would also greatly appreciate it if you could name their shoes and please ensure your children have spare clothes in their bag, including socks.