Year 2

Year 2
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their school trip this week. We travelled by coach to Wetlands Centre in Barnes. Once at the centre we were given a timetable of events and split up into groups.
Half of the children did the sensory nature walk, muddy adventure trail and rope bridges whilst the other group went off for a surprise storytelling adventure and fact gathering activity.
After lunch, we swapped and completed the activities that the other group had done in the morning, we also got to see the otters being fed, which was a definite highlight!
The children enjoyed seeing all the different micro-habitats, habitats and bird species.
Wetlands very kindly gave every child a voucher so that they could return with their family for free. Please take advantage of this generous offer.
In addition, your child will be given a username and password for Ava's Journey website, here they will be able to read and complete nature activities, if your child completes 10 or more of these they will receive a lovely certificate and a special Guardians of the Wild badge.