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Year 2

Year 2

We have one more week to go until half-term. Parent consultations are on Tuesday and Thursday after school next week. Please make sure you sign up for a meeting through your Arbor account. 

The children have been enjoying the story of the Three Little Pigs and have used their drama skills in English, to practise 'freeze frames', trying to really understand how the characters felt. They have been learning to write a recount, written from the perspective of the wolf writing a letter to his mum. 

In science this week, we have been looking at suitable materials to block out the light. We made predictions and then used torches to check our predictions. We talked about materials being translucent, transparent or opaque. The children were excellent at using scientific language. Maybe you could test them using items around the house?

In maths, we have been looking at crossing the 10s boundary when adding and subtracting. The children have worked very hard and would like your help to practise their number bonds to 10. This will help them become faster at working out the part, part, whole model that they need to use when crossing the 10s boundary. 

In PE, we were practising our jumping skills; two feet to two feet with a ball between the knees, hopscotch using an agility ladder, two feet to two feet into hoops with a rock, paper, scissor challenge, and skipping.