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Year 2

Literacy, maths and topic

Happy New Year!

The children have settled back into class wonderfully. 

This week we started a new book. We are reading Paddington by Michael Bond. 

We have been learning to write a witness statement from the perspective of the taxi driver. He is very grumpy that a messy bear gets into his clean taxi. In this piece of writing, the children will be looking to use expected Year 2 features of writing including expanded noun phrases, time adverbials, conjunctions, and of course, capital letters and full stops. 

In maths, the children have been looking at the relationship between the 5 and 10 times table and factors and products of 1 and 0. 

During topic lessons, we have been looking at climates and have begun to look at the continent of South America and where Peru is located. 

In a few weeks, we will be learning to make a dump truck in DT, and we need 25-30 small boxes in each of our Year 2 classrooms. Cracker or biscuit boxes, small cereal boxes or even small shoe boxes will work. Please can you save any small boxes you may come across and bring them in to us. Thank you.