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Year 2

English, maths and DT

In maths, the children have been continuing their work on fractions. So far, they have learnt about 1/4, 1/2 and 1/3 of a number, and today they were learning that two quarters is the same as one half. We will continue to consolidate our knowledge of fractions as the weeks go on.

In English, we had a very exciting week. We had a visit from a greedy, selfish pirate called Sweet Tooth Sid. He knocked on the window of our classrooms - looking for sweets! Now we are writing letters to local schools to warn them about Sweet Tooth Sid.  

During our DT lessons, we helped Sweet Tooth Sid's cousin, Savoury Tooth Sally. She wanted a healthy, savoury snack. We decided she might like vegetable kebabs. So, we tasted roasted mushroom, green and red pepper, red onion, aubergine and courgette in class. Sally had asked for her favourite colours of red, black and a little green. The children then designed their vegetable kebabs ahead of next week's lesson, when they will get to prepare, chop, cook and assemble their kebabs for Sally. 

Next week, we have our trip to Kingston Museum on Tuesday. If you would like to join us, please let us know!

Wishing you a lovely bank holiday weekend.