Year 2

English, maths, practising and dates for your diary...
Year 2 have worked incredibly hard this week.
We have continued our practising for the KMS Singing Festival and for the Country Dancing Festival.
To purchase tickets to see your child/ren perform on stage, please go to the Rose Theatre website: Tuesday 28th at 10am. Tickets will be priced at £12 standard and £8 concessions.
In English, we have continued to work on the story of George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. We have been writing a letter to an Agony Aunt for some advice. George needs advice on what to do about his mean, horrible and scary grandma. Not all Grandmas are lovely, kind and caring ladies!!
In maths this week, the children have been working on using efficient methods for subtracting two-digit numbers by choosing between 10s and 1s and a number line.
We have continued our learning in RE, learning about Shabbat. In particular, the children have enjoyed thinking about how to get through a day without using any electricity, and what resting looks like in their homes.
Have a fabulous half-term!
Reminder of upcoming dates:
Friday 7th June - 2DF Class Assembly 9am
Friday 14th June - 2AC Class Assembly 9am
Tuesday June 18th 2024 - KMS Singing Festival at the Rose Theatre 3pm
Tuesday June 25th 2024 - Country Dancing Festival @ Kings Meadow 9-1pm (bring a picnic)