Year 2

Science & more
The children have been working hard in all areas of the curriculum this week.
They've enjoyed experimenting with which materials are absorbent and non-absorbent, and how to change the shape of materials.
In art, they recreated their portraits of both the side and front view in tones of either red or blue.
In maths, children have continued to look at multiples of 10, adding and subtracting and representing two digit numbers in 10s and 1s.
In English, we have been perfecting the poem 'Tails' ready for the performance assembly on the 24th Sept. The children have been doing really well and are so confident in their lines. Thank you for helping them to practise at home.
Next week, we will start our new text in English, Mr Gumpy's Outing by John Burningham.
Thank you for your continued support.
Year 2 Team.