Year 2

New year, new term.
Happy New Year!
The children have enjoyed their first week back at school after the Christmas holiday. This week we have started our new book. Paddington by Michael Bond. The children were interested to learn there was an actual train station called Paddington in London, and that there is a statue of Paddington Bear inside. Perhaps you will choose to travel to London one weekend to find him.
In maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge of the 5 x table. Please help by practising this with your child/ren at home. We have also been reminding ourselves of the analogue clock and how we tell the time to the half past, quarter to/past and the hour.
In science, the children have been learning about whether things are alive, once alive or never alive, and in geography, we have been learning about where the hot and cold areas of the world are - recapping oceans, continents and climate zones. We have also found where Peru is on the world map.
In PE, we have started our dance topic and are learning the skills of catching and throwing.
Next week, we will be looking at multiplication and using the 2, 5, 10 x table to solve problems. We will be looking at factors and doubling.
In PSHE, we will be learning about Citizenship and jobs in the community. In computing, we will be finishing our algorithm lessons and continuing with word processing.