Year 3

Shadows, pneumatics and a walk around Kingston!
This week has been very busy for Year 3. We started off the week going on a trip around Kingston. We walked around plotting on a map all the different landmarks we could find. We visited the Coronation Stone which is believed to have been the site of the coronation of seven Anglo-Saxon kings.
In science, we have been looking at light and how shadows are formed. Luckily the sun was out and we went outside to see what forms when light is blocked.
In DT we have created ‘pneumatic toys’ using air pressure and balloons to make the toy move. We had great fun designing, constructing, decorating and evaluating our completed models. Our design success criteria said that our toys had to have a pneumatic element, be well-made, be safe and be eye-catching and attractive. I am sure that you will agree they all fit the bill. Well done!
Please practice the 3,6,4, and 8 times tables with your children and have a lovely half-term break.