Year 5

Using our skills
This week, we have continued reading and studying our book ‘Treason’ by Berlie Doherty. Through using our skimming and scanning skills, we found all the descriptive words used by the author for when the main character, William, first entered Tudor London. We documented these as a class and learned how to use a thesaurus to find more exciting synonyms to use in our own writing. We had to be very careful to ensure our new words could be used in the same context without changing the meaning.
In our PSHE lesson, we talked about the difficulties we could face with friendships such as falling out, arguing amongst others. We wrote a fictional letter to a ‘Friendship Advisor’ detailing hypothetical problems and situations and then acted as the Friendship Advisor to write a reply detailing solutions one could use if faced with these problems.
We have been continuing learning to draw our Tudor portraits - this week, we looked at the proportions when drawing faces and where our facial features sit in relation to our eyes, ears etc. We did our first draft and they turned out really well - hopefully, we will do our final draft next week and then we will be ready for the painting!