Year 5

Happy New Year!
To begin the Spring term, we have started reading our new book “Clockwork” by Phillip Pullman. So far, we have only met Karl (a pessimist ) and Fritz (an optimist). We started by looking at the cover of the book and predicting what it could be about using the visual clues on the front. We then read the blurb, on the back, and made predictions as to what we thought might happen in the story.
In maths, we are starting to build on our knowledge of division using number lines, chunking and the bus stop method to find answers to a range of problems - we have learned to use what we already know to help us solve different calculations. For example, if we know 5x4=20 then we know 20 divided by 4 is 5 and 50x4=200 along with 200 divided by 4 is 50.