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Year 6

In English this week, we have continued to read Letters From The Lighthouse, and have started to consider what the characters of Olive and Cliff might write about in a postcard to their mum. We have explored what good looks like and have collaborated with a partner to box plan our writing. 

In geometry, we have built upon our knowledge of coordinates across the 4 quadrants and have applied this knowledge to SATs style questions. We have also been refining our ability to use a mirror to reflect a shape accurately across mirror lines of varying orientation. 

In topic, we have broadened our understanding of the involvement of people from all over the world during World War 2. We have used resources from the British Legion to explore how the Commonwealth contributed to Britain’s war effort. 

After half term as part of our design technology lessons we will be making model Anderson shelters- please could you bring in any cardboard or materials suitable for junk modelling as soon as possible.