Year 6

In art this week, we have completed two watercolour paintings depicting the devastation of the Battle Of Dunkirk. We have created a detailed landscape using silhouettes to provide interest as well as using perspective by positioning objects and people in the foreground to create a focal point. In our other painting, we used watercolours to create a background and used origami boats to produce a 3D element. On these boats, we wrote adjectives to describe the event including: horrific, petrifying and terrifying. Using our learning habit of evaluation, we then considered the successes of our art as well as the parts we would like to improve next time.
We have decided to combine our class assembly and WW2 afternoon into one. This will make it more in depth and interactive for the children. We will therefore not be holding a class assembly on Friday 10th November. We look forward to seeing you all on the 14th December at 14:15.
In the coming weeks, as part of our design technology lessons, we will be making model Anderson shelters - please could you bring in any cardboard or materials suitable for junk modelling as soon as possible.