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Year 6

English and maths 

This week we have begun our new book, ‘The Graveyard Book’ by Neil Gaiman. We have predicted, inferred and retrieved information from looking at the front cover and reading the first few pages. The narrative is written in a range of different tenses such as simple past, present progressive, present perfect and past progressive so we have been revising our knowledge of the different tense types and have been identifying and writing sentences using a range of tenses. Next week, we will continue to use these tenses and apply them to a newsflash. 

In maths, we have been continuing our learning of fractions. In order to help us remember how to solve a range of fraction related problems including converting mixed numbers, multiplying fractions by whole numbers and dividing fractions by whole numbers, we have created mind maps to aid our memory. 

Next week we will be: 

  • Writing newsflashes in English. 

  • Participating in World Book day by coming to school in our pyjamas and taking part in a range of activities based on the book, ‘Our Tower’. 

  • Starting a new topic in science, ‘Inheritance and evolution’.