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Year 6

Science, topic and PE. 

In science this week we have built upon our knowledge and understanding of fossils by looking at the evolution of species, including the horse and the elephant. We have examined photographs of fossils as well as pictures of animal skeletons to determine similarities and differences and to infer why certain features have changed whereas others have remained the same. Next week, we will be reading a child-friendly version of Charles Darwin’s ‘The Origin Of Species’ , distilling important information to plan a non-chronological report. 

In topic, we have applied our maths skills to construct bar charts based on imports and exports of the UK and next week we will be analysing this information. 

In PE, we have been refining our throwing skills and playing short games of handbat cricket to improve our hand-eye coordination. We have enjoyed partner work focusing on throwing and catching and will be starting to practise batting skills next week.