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Year 6

SATs week 

This week, we have been busy completing our SATs tests. We are super proud of the year 6s as they have demonstrated excellent determination, resilience and perseverance. After our final test on Thursday, we had a reward afternoon where we enjoyed using a range of sporting equipment as well as enjoying a well deserved ice cream. Even though we have finished our exams, we still have a lot of learning to fit in before the summer holidays including: reading The Hunger Games in guided reading and English, exploring nets of 3D shapes in maths, learning all about the human heart and circulatory system in science and learning all about Ancient Baghdad in topic. We hope you all have a restful weekend. 

Next week we will be: 

  • Completing our non-chronological report leaflets on the Art Of Haunting, 

  • Problem solving in maths,

  • Completing our learning about evolution and inheritance, 

  •  Starting to play short cricket.