Year 6

School journey and Healthy Eating Week
Wow, what a busy week it has been in year 6! At Thames Young Mariners the children had so many new experiences, including kayaking, canoeing, paddleboarding, raft-building and orienteering. Sleeping in a tent with friends was fun and the children gained confidence and independence throughout the stay. The children were exceptional with their behaviour, manners and resilience, all members of staff are so proud of what they have achieved.
Those not attending school journey also had a fun-filled three days where they explored healthy eating in a variety of ways, including photography and cooking. Using tiny models of people and animals, the children planned and then constructed scenes with healthy food in fruit and vegetable scale art. They also got to make and eat fruit salad using the essential independent skills of chopping, peeling and dicing. They should be so proud of their creativity.
Next week we will be:
Starting our rehearsals for the end of year production
Exploring e-safety in computing
Calculating area in maths to plan and design a bedroom
Continuing to learn all about the human heart